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FRP (Fiberglass-Reinforced Polymer) Spray Guns

Internal ad External Mix and Chopper Spray Guns

Advanced Spray Guns for today’s MACT-compliant composite applications

SKU: 207-10903,

Available in: EMEA, North America,

Binks provides a complete selection of FRP spray guns, spray tips, air nozzles and mixing valves for the non-atomizing application of resins and gel coats in open molding processes. Our full line of equipment provides many production and environmental advantages. Out full line of MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technologies) compliant LEL systems, spray guns, and components deliver the kind of high quality, bottom-line results you’ve come to expect from the Carlisle Fluid Technologies Binks brand products. Users can expect:

  • Benefits from lower overspray
  • Increased transfer efficiency results in material savings
  • Cleaner workplace and lower worker exposure to fumes and mist
  • Less pump wear on seals and other sliding parts
  • Lower air motor pressure results in lower compressed air consumption

Century FRP full line of Spray Guns are the MACT-compliant low emission laminators. Century LEL External Mix Gel Coat Gun is known for easy operation and low maintenance. The LEL line of guns also feature the LEL External Mix Chop Gun and the LEL Wet Out Gun. Our Poly-Craft LEL Gun uses non-atomizing technology for easy maintenance and one-touch flush and the gun is available in an HVLP version that meets SCAQMD 1162. Plural Component outfits are also available for which is ideal for touch-up and repair. Thus outfit comes with a 2 qt. cup, 5′ hoses, and air control valve.

  • Uniform, consistent, reliable mix
  • Internal or External flush for easy cleaning
  • One-touch flush for easy cleaning
  • Resin cartridge needle assembly changes out in less than five minutes

Model 7N Spray Gun is a rugged, lightweight gun for applying gel-coats and polyester resins. Flow rate of the gun varies up tp 2 GPM depending on nozzle size. Fluid output is controlled by nozzle orifice size and fluid pressure. Gun nozzles are available in Internal mix for low to high material volume with low air consumption or External Mix for low material volume, with fine atomization.

Binks provides a complete selection of FRP spray guns, spray tips, air nozzles and mixing valves for the non-atomizing application of resins and gel coats in open molding processes. Our full line of equipment provides many production and environmental advantages. Out full line of MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technologies) compliant LEL systems, spray guns, and components deliver the kind of high quality, bottom-line results you’ve come to expect from the Carlisle Fluid Technologies Binks brand products. Users can expect:

  • Benefits from lower overspray
  • Increased transfer efficiency results in material savings
  • Cleaner workplace and lower worker exposure to fumes and mist
  • Less pump wear on seals and other sliding parts
  • Lower air motor pressure results in lower compressed air consumption

Century FRP full line of Spray Guns are the MACT-compliant low emission laminators. Century LEL External Mix Gel Coat Gun is known for easy operation and low maintenance. The LEL line of guns also feature the LEL External Mix Chop Gun and the LEL Wet Out Gun. Our Poly-Craft LEL Gun uses non-atomizing technology for easy maintenance and one-touch flush and the gun is available in an HVLP version that meets SCAQMD 1162. Plural Component outfits are also available for which is ideal for touch-up and repair. Thus outfit comes with a 2 qt. cup, 5′ hoses, and air control valve.

  • Uniform, consistent, reliable mix
  • Internal or External flush for easy cleaning
  • One-touch flush for easy cleaning
  • Resin cartridge needle assembly changes out in less than five minutes

Model 7N Spray Gun is a rugged, lightweight gun for applying gel-coats and polyester resins. Flow rate of the gun varies up tp 2 GPM depending on nozzle size. Fluid output is controlled by nozzle orifice size and fluid pressure. Gun nozzles are available in Internal mix for low to high material volume with low air consumption or External Mix for low material volume, with fine atomization.


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