Effective way to keep painters free of overspray.
Low cost and effective way to keep painters free of overspray.
Ideal to reduce contamination in the paint booth.
Reduce the particles in your spray booth for a cleaner finishing environment.
- Reduces airborne particles in the spray booth and traps them on the floor
- Significantly reduces buffing time caused by dirt in the paint job
- Fast and easy once-a-day application using a pump sprayer
- Simply sweep up the dirt and overspray with a pump sprayer
- One 5-gallon bucket allows for approximately 20 applications
- Booth Wall Coat will last up to 12 months (maximum 500 bake cycles) before requiring removal and reapplication.
- Non sticky, will not shrink and doesn’t crack.
- Booth Wall Coat can be peeled off quickly and easily in large strips for ease of removal.
Peelable glass surface coating
Suitable for floor, wall and equipment cover while spraying.
Patented design premium Paint Strainers
Strong and absorbent lint-free prep wipes.
Neutral surface dry wipe eliminates issues caused by dirt and airborne particles.
“Static killer” formula reduces static charge and static related dirt.
Clean, abrade and degrease in one easy step.
Non-Toxic, wax and silicone-free wipe used to remove dirt, dust and sanding particles.
Pre-moistened heavy-duty towels that removes dirt, oils, adhesives, lubricants, paints, grease, sealants, caulks, dyes, epoxies, urethanes, tar and ink.
Minimizes exposed area when sanding.
All the tools needed to clean a spray gun.